Angel Walk 2017

For the 7th year in a row we will gather in Homedale on a Saturday in May to help and support a local child and family.  

Angel Walk 2017 is Saturday, May 13 and we hope you will come and support Eeliyas Escalante, this year's "Angel."

Eeliyas is 7 years old and he is a 2nd grade student at Homedale Elementary School. 

Eeliyas has childhood astrocytoma, a benign cell formed in the brain tissue. It is currently at grade 1.  His symptoms include change in personality, unusual sleeping, handwriting problems, and seizures.

Angel Walk 2017 

Saturday, May 13, 2017 at Bette Uda City Park in Homedale
Begins at 10:00 am (Pre-race activities begin at 9:30 am)

Check in, including same day registration, and t-shirt pick up begins at 9:00 am

 Buy lunch at our concession stand after the race and hang out 
in the park with your friends and family.

Please don't forget to attend the Angel Walk Classic Car Show.

Online registration forms are available here.

Registration forms can be dropped off at Homedale Friends Community Church or at 
Rehab Authority in Homedale.

If you would like to volunteer to help please contact us at


Angel Walk 2017

For the 7th year in a row we will gather in Homedale on a Saturday in May to help and support a local child and family.   Angel Walk 20...